This week at forest camp, we started our day the crisp October fall day by playing outside of the barn in the mud kitchen. We baked cookies, pies and all sorts of mud-baked goods! Playing in the mud kitchen always puts us in a great mood to spend our day outside.

We then hiked to Forest Camp where we had our morning meeting circle, and our leader planned the day for us, and what a great day she planned. We had a quick snack and read a story to get ourselves fueled up for the day. Back by popular demand, we hiked up to Mossy Rocks and played amongst the thick layers of leaves, pretending to be pilots flying airplanes, and even played a few rounds of I-Spy.

Once we exhausted ourselves there, it was time to hike back down for lunch. These Forest Preschoolers are always ready to eat, so when our leader said she was hungry, no one disagreed. We read another fun story and enjoyed our lunches, then it was time for the big surprise: pumpkin carving!

We got into two groups with our two teachers, and picked out what we all wanted the pumpkin face to look like. After the teachers carved the tops off, we all got to take turns scooping the inside of the pumpkin out with our hands, getting all of the guts and seeds out. Our teachers then carved the faces out, and we ended up with two really awesome looking pumpkins!

Today was a fun, fall filled day for everyone at Forest Pre-school.