We started our day at forest camp, looking for salamanders and having some free explore time. Once most of our friends arrived, we searched Forest Camp for (laminated) American Toads that Ciara hid. Most of the toads were sitting near the base of trees, downed logs and rocks. We always do a count after ten minutes of searching to practice counting and figuring out how many we still need to find through addition.

After finding the toads, it was time for Morning Meeting! So we grabbed our snacks from the cubby area and found a stump around the fire circle at Forest Camp. We chose a playschooler to plan our day and he was very excited about having a dance party, playing group games and building fairy houses. Talk about the perfect day!

We ate some snack and then moved to the backyard for our dance party! We boogied to a mix of Disney, Kids Bop and nursery rhymes. This was a great way to keep warm on a chilly Monday.

We also played a few rounds of "What time is it Mr. Fox?" and "Birdie, birdie cross my sky." They were both running games that helped us release some energy and stay warm. Then we went back to Forest Camp for lunch and a story.

After lunch, we built the most mystical fairy houses. There were fern pathways, mossy rooftops and carpets and so many other dreamy components to their houses. Make sure to scroll through the whole slideshow!

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Then adults arrived and it was time to go home! See you next time.
Friday 4/30
On Friday we started with free play in the backyard. We gravitated towards the rock wall because it's fun to climb and it was covered in slugs! We counted over 40 slugs and I'm sure there were even more. Then, we moved to Forest Camp to look for hidden toads and real salamanders.

After we found all the toads, it was time for Morning Meeting! Our Morning Meeting Leader wanted to go on a big hike along the whole Hires Trail.

Then, we fueled up with some snack and water before heading out on our hike. On the way up we saw a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, tried to count blossoming wildflowers, and predicted whether or not we would be able to see Mt. Mansfield or Camel's Hump from Lookout Rock. We hungout at Lookout Rock for a bit to admire the view and build structures. Then we continued our journey down the trail, which started to get very very wet. At times, it felt like we were walking in a stream. It made for great splashing! Thankgoodness for rainboots.

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Once we got back to Forest Camp we played with the mud kitchen and then moved to the porch for some lunch! Then, it was time to go! See you next week!

By Sarah Hooghuis
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