With December on a roll, the mornings have been getting chillier at Audubon and we are welcoming all the seasonal changes around us. This morning, we started with a craft that Emily showed us--snowflake window decals! Our teachers cut out the shapes of snowflakes on decal paper and we filled ours up with different bits of colored tissue paper and kept sticking them on until the snowflake was complete. Emily and Caroline cut them out of the stencil and taped them, and we were all left with our beautiful snowflake decorations!

During our snack after, we read a couple of stories about the different animals and trees to be seen in winter. After a quick snack and story inside, it was time to bundle up for the outdoors. We all decided that we wanted our outdoor adventure to be up to Lookout Rock for some views of the mountains and snow.

We took the steep hike up and stopped to enjoy all the sights once we got there. We sat, played and discovered all around Lookout Rock, then decided it was time to head back down to camp. It was a little slippery from the rain, so we had to be careful when walking up and down the hills. We decided to conquer this challenge on the way down, and scooted on our bottoms on the really steep parts. It was lots of fun, and taught us a good lesson about how to maneuver our bodies through the woods to be safe in different types of weather.

When we got back, we ate lunch then got ready for the afternoon activity. We all got two pinecones and some spoons to spread peanut butter all over them. Then, we rolled them in bird seeds to create our very own birdfeeders. We took them home to hang in our own backyards and hopefully fill up some birds tummies!

Today at Forest Camp was all about ringing in the winter season with some outdoor exploration and lots of crafts.