Preschool Programs

Big Night

Week 23 Apr 12th and 14th

April has continued to bring warmer weather, with all of the snow at the center now almost melted! We searched for yellow spotted salamanders this week to celebrate the passing of the Big Night: a warm, rainy night where lots of amphibians migrate to vernal pools for the breeding season. 


On Wednesday, we spent the day at one of our favorite spots: forest camp. We made mud cakes, climbed trees, searched for the perfect stick, and even made a witches potion in our cauldron. We ate lunch at forest camp as well before returning to the front yard to finish up our day with some free play.  


On Friday, we hiked up to Mossy Rocks to play and enjoy the bright sun-shinny weather. We climbed up the rocks, hung out in the tree, and played our favorite games with our friends. We returned to the front yard for lunch and free play to wrap up our day.  

Wednesday 4/12

Having fun in the mud kitchen
Showing Eve our mud kitchen creations
Hanging out in the fort at forest camp
Cooking with our friends!
Snack and story time!
Big smiles
Imaginative play at forest camp

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 Friday 4/14

Climbing up to Mossy Rocks
Climbing on our favorite tree at Mossy Rocks
Counting our animals with Eve
Waiting our turn to climb the tree
Imagination play at Mossy Rocks
Playing tag in the front yard

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