Mariah Harrod

Mariah Harrod

Environmental Policy Research Intern, Summer 2020

I grew up in a region many environmentalists deem politically unsalvageable, but Kentucky was less homogenous than outsiders readily perceive. Living in coal country, we were pummeled by policies undermining ecosystems and damaging public health. Bearing witness to the injustice inflicted upon Appalachia, the industrial pollution in our communities, and the degradation of the region’s rich biodiversity made rebels of many of us. Being surrounded by such beauty so at odds with such devastation pushed me to join local lobbying organizations and study environmental systems in college. There I found ethical frameworks for environmentalism and methods of effectively communicating the problems we face and how we might shift the tide. It was then, too, that I decided policy work would be the most efficient and impactful method for that transition. I came to Vermont to earn my JD in environmental law and better implement ethical policies. Working with Audubon, I provide support to political influencers to shape statewide laws that in turn shape the environment in which we live.

Articles by Mariah Harrod

Vermont Bill Hits the “Suite” Spot

Vermont Bill Hits the “Suite” Spot

— Hotels Targeted for Ban of Travel-Sized Hygiene Products