Working Lands

Woods, Wildlife and Warblers Program

A Program for Vermont Landowners
American Redstart Photo: Donald Phillips/Audubon Photography Awards
Working Lands

Woods, Wildlife and Warblers Program

A Program for Vermont Landowners

Working with landowners to protect the woods of Vermont

Vermont and northern New England forests are home to some of the highest concentration of bird species breeding in the continental United States—meaning this region provides rich, essential habitat for all local wildlife species. As a result, small Vermont landowners are essential to bird and wildlife conservation.

Woods, Wildlife and Warblers is working to give Vermont landowners the knowledge, tools, and resources they need to better care for their woods.

We offer free, no obligation services to landowners, such as informational materials and site visits from a woodland expert. The expert will walk your land with you and discuss goals you may have for your land such as:
  • enhancing wildlife habitat on your property;
  • increasing the variety of wildlife species visiting your woods;
  • identifying and controlling invasive plants and insects;
  • monitoring how your woods are changing; and
  • maintaining your woods into the future.

Want to request a FREE visit or learn more about Woods, Wildlife and Warblers? Click here.

Or do you already have a bird-friendly forest management plan and are now looking to put it into action? If so, please tell us more about your forest management project and we will work to support you.

You can also email us directly at:

Tips and Tools for Landowners: Click here.

Stay up to date on the latest from Woods, Wildlife, and Warblers through our eNews

Read about how we have been aiding landowners in the Cold Hollow to Canada region in partnership with the Cold Hollow to Canada Woodlots Program

Woods, Wildlife and Warblers is a partnership between Audubon Vermont, the Vermont Tree Farm Committee, Vermont Woodlands Association, and the American Forest Foundation. We couldn't accomplish our work without the help of the rest of our partners, including Cold Hollow to Canada, Northwoods Stewardship CenterVermont Coverts, Vermont's Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department, and Vermont's Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation.

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How you can help, right now