Tundra Swans Pair Take Off
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Ways to Give

Give a Gift of Appreciated Stock

Consider stocks or bonds that you own as an alternative to giving cash.
Tundra Swans Photo: William Pohley, Audubon Photography Awards
Tundra Swans Photo: William Pohley, Audubon Photography Awards
Ways to Give

Give a Gift of Appreciated Stock

Consider stocks or bonds that you own as an alternative to giving cash.

Support Audubon Vermont's work by making a gift of stocks, bonds, or mutual funds. In addition to making a difference for birds, other wildlife and the environment, a gift of appreciated securities offers you significant benefits. These include an immediate charitable deduction for the full market value of the stock and avoidance of capital gains taxes that would normally be due upon sale.

To learn more, download our stock transfer form or contact Marc Scollo at the National Audubon Society at marc.scollo@audubon.org or 212-979-3069.

Be sure to notify Audubon Vermont's office, so that we can identify the gift for benefit to our work in Vermont: vermont@audubon.org or 802-434-3068.

How you can help, right now