Plants for Birds Full Circle Gardens
Plants for Birds Full Circle Gardens
Plants for Birds

Finding Native Plants in Vermont

A list a local sources to purchase native Plants for Birds in Vermont.
Susuan Salatino and Lola of Full Circle Gardens in Essex, Vermont Photo: Gwendolyn Causer, Audubon Vermont
Susuan Salatino and Lola of Full Circle Gardens in Essex, Vermont Photo: Gwendolyn Causer, Audubon Vermont
Plants for Birds

Finding Native Plants in Vermont

A list a local sources to purchase native Plants for Birds in Vermont.

For more information about choosing the right native plants, use Audubon's Plants for Birds Database.  

To find native plant nurseries throughout the USA, click on the "Local Resources" tab of the database and explore the interactive map!

Note: If you have sources to add (or remove) from this list, please contact Audubon Vermont: 

Arcana Gardens and Greenhouse

Jericho Vermont

Bird and Bees Native Plants

Branch Out Burlington's Annual Tree Sale


South Burlington



Champlain Valley Restoration Plant Nursery Poultney Vermont
Drinkwater's Nursery St. Johnsbury Vermont
Elmore Roots Nursery Elmore Vermont
Evergreen Gardens of Vermont Waterbury Center Vermont
Full Circle Gardens Essex Vermont
Gardens of Seven Gables Barre Vermont
High Country Gardens (NM Division of American Meadows) Shelburne Vermont
High Reach Farm Danville Vermont
Horsford Gardens & Nursery Charlotte Vermont
Intervale Conservation Nursery Burlington Vermont
Lynette's Native Plants, etc. Nursery Greensboro Bend Vermont
Mettowee Mill Garden Center Dorset Vermont
Miller Hill Farm - A Vermont Family Farm & Native Plant Nursery Sudbury Vermont
Poultney Mettowee Natural Resource Conservation District Annual Plant Sale Poultney Vermont
Red Wagon Plants Hinesburg Vermont
River Berry Farm Fairfax Vermont
Rocky Dale Gardens Bristol Vermont

Shinleaf Native Plants 

Westminster West Vermont

The Farm Between

Tinmouth Annual Plant Sale at The Old Firehouse





Vermont Wetland Plant Supply Orwell Vermont
Wild Seed Project (online) North Yarmout Maine
Windham County Conservation District Plant Sale at Windham Regional Career Center Brattleboro Vermont
Winooski Conservation District Annual Tree/Shrub/Perennial Sale Essex Junction Vermont
Winooski Conservation District Annual Tree/Shrub/Perennial Sale Berlin Vermont
Vermont Wetland Plant Supply Orwell Vermont

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