For the last week of Audubon Vermont Ecology Day Camp this summer, the theme was Extreme Earth Artists. We learned how to use the earth around us to make different sculptures, paintings, and other creations from all things outdoors--bark, leaves, flowers, grass and so much more.
On Monday, we spent the morning exploring Beaver Pond and the Brook, seeing what they have to offer us for some earthly creations. Later, we cooled off at the Huntington River and played some fan-favorite games, like Bob the Weasel and Everyone Tag, based on 1 fish 2 fish.
On Tuesday, we made our own mobiles to hang and spin around using natural items that we foraged from around Audubon! Campers got to take them home to show their families their hard earth-made work. We also did some nature yoga to relax and wind down after lunch.
On Wednesday, we picked honeysuckle and golden rod berries and used them to dye our own bandanas. Later in the day, we used mud paint to create works of art at the Beaver Pond. We also made rock sculptures and rock balances at the brook.
Today, we hiked down to the Birds of Vermont Museum to learn more about birds and explore the world around us further. Later in the afternoon, we will do nature yoga and make our own necklaces out of rocks.
As per usual, on Friday we will play the campers' all time favorite game, Life and Death in the Forest. This game mimics species dynamics and life cycles in the forest by giving campers the chance to play in different animal groups, run around, practice their stealth skills, and prey on other groups of animals. Finally, since it is the last week of camp, we will present the Audubon Banner, and send all the counselors and campers home with great memories of the magical Audubon summer!