Ashley McGrann

Bird-Friendly Maple Intern

Ashley (she/her) grew up in eastern Kentucky, spending all her time on her family farm or in the woods near her house. She has spent the last five years traveling around and working for various conservation teams across the country doing a multitude of varying fieldwork, including trail work in the Arizona desert, being a part of a sawyer crew in Colorado, and even restoring bird habitat in New Mexico (which sparked her love of birds). But more recently, she has been establishing roots in Vermont. Ashley is currently attending Vermont State University-Johnson, majoring in Wildlife and Forest Conservation and Biology. At Johnson, she is conducting research with her mentor on how climate change affects the timing of fledging in songbirds. In her spare time, Ashley enjoys canoeing, baking treats for her neighbors, volunteering at the local farmer's market, and going for a walk with binoculars in hand!

Articles by Ashley McGrann

A Loveletter to Sugarmakers

A Loveletter to Sugarmakers

— A forester, a landowner, and a biologist walk into a forest. A bird looks up and says, ‘Is this a Bird-Friendly Maple meeting?'