Another day at Audubon, and another wet and wild one at that! This group seems to thrive in all types of weather which makes being outside a blast. Today it poured, but that didn’t stop us from going on hikes around the property and seeing what the wet weather brings us.
Today it rained all day, sometimes it was light rain, and then we also had a DOWNPOUR!!
To no surprise this group wanted to get moving! We spent our morning hiking by the Huntington River accessed across the street from the parking lot. We don’t typically exploring over there, so it was great that this group wanted to switch things up. On this hike we counted over 80 MUSHROOMS and tried to identify them, we saw some Lions Mane which was awesome!
After lunch we had some free explore time and found some great amphibians going to their woodland homes to overwinter for next spring.
We also learned that we will have a Pen Pal this year, Ciara, who was an educator here but has moved to New York City! She wrote to use detailing the nature around her and where she explores. We then came up with a list of things we have been up to and then all drew her a picture detailing something we have done these past 2 weeks.
We ended our day going for a hike in the downpour to see the river and how it changed from last week. We noted that it was flowing a lot more, and there was less of a stream bank too.