Forest Classroom

The First Day of Fall 2021!

Week 1, September 1, 2021

What an amazing first day back in action at Forest Classroom! This fall is looking like it is going to be filled with so much exploration and fun.

Once we all arrived we made sure to play a field game, it was suggested that we play Park Ranger, and so we did! We played one round of animals that live in Vermont and then a second round of mythical/magical creatures.

We then moved on to creating our list of unicorn rules that we will follow throughout our time at Audubon. These rules consist of respecting each other, nature, and ourselves, to have so much fun, and more. We signed out rule book by giving 5 new friends a toe tap. This then led us to introductions! We shared our name/nickname/preferred name, our preferred pronouns, and our favorite thing we did over the summer. It was great to hear how many of us went swimming, or biking, or camping. We made some great early connections.

Our day was flying by and as a group we planned out our days activities in Morning Meeting and enjoyed snack right after.

Our first stop was to Beaver Pond! We spent plenty of time catching critters and trying to identify them. It is so wonderful to learn about the creatures around you. We also learned about some of the different frogs that we have when I caught a pickerel frog.

Trying to figure out what frog we caught using our ID guides. Photo: Audubon Vermont
Trying to figure out what Macroinvertebrate we caught! Photo: Audubon Vermont
Catching Critters at Beaver Pond Photo: Audubon Vermont
Photo: Audubon Vermont

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Our second stop was one of the locations along the Sherman Hollow Brook. Here some of us built boats, dams, bridged, and rock towers.

Catching Critters in the Brook! Photo: Audubon Vermont
Testing our "boat" in the brook

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Before we knew it, it was lunch time! We enjoyed sharing stories at lunch and getting to know each other. After lunch we enjoyed Thank You Circle where we share our favorite part of the day.

I cannot wait for the weeks to come!

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