We have entered a season where we like to take moments to give thanks, and we would like to do just that!
It is wonderful to have the support of local business through the year, no matter the size. Every donation that is made helps us to address some of the biggest problems to Vermont’s environment: habitat degradation, climate change, and a growing disassociation from nature among our youth!
A special thank you to these local businesses for their generous support!

Outdoor Gear Exchange for their contribution of $331 raised during the month of November via their “nickel bag” donation program. Thanks to you if you shopped at OGE and chose not to take a plastic bag, thus donating a nickel! Every nickel counts.

MPath for their generous contribution of 10% of the cost of each session during the month of November was donated to our Audubon Center! Here's why Melanie Giangreco of Mpath chose to support Audubon: "Having grown up in Richmond, the Green Mountain Audubon Center is near and dear to my heart, and its mission of both education and conservation is needed now more than ever. The health of our environment is directly linked to personal health and public health. Learning about the places we live, and the plants and animals who share those spaces, is a simple and powerful step toward creating stronger communities."

Runamok Maple for their contribution of $425, this came from a percentage of sales made on Giving Tuesday! Runamok Maple believes protecting the land is our first priority. Good maple syrup depends on healthy trees and so we endeavor to treat the land we work on gently, protecting the soil, and encouraging biodiversity with as little impact as possible. Because of their efforts, they are a producer in our Bird-Friendly Maple program! Additionally the owner is a Audubon Vermont Board member!