
Vermonters, Nature, and COVID-19: A UVM survey

The University of Vermont research team wants to know about your connection with nature during COVID-19.

As Vermonters continue with social distancing, we’re curious: does experiencing nature figure into your life right now? If so, how?   

The University of Vermont research team – Rachelle Gould’s Research Group, the Rubenstein School, and the Gund Institute – have designed a short survey to learn about how Vermonters from a wide range of backgrounds and outdoor traditions are experiencing nature under the COVID-19 restrictions.  Hopefully,  Vermonter responses can help policymakers and researchers understand how to make policy decisions that account for the role nature may have during events like COVID-19, now and in the future.  There will be two surveys: one now, and one after the COVID-19 restrictions are lifted. Please consider filling out the surveys – you might even win one of twenty $50 pre-paid Master cards! You must be 18+ to participate.   

Once the surveys are complete, the research team will share their results with Audubon Vermont and we will share them with you all. Thanks for your participation.

Learn more & take the survey. 

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