Forest Classroom

Turtle Time

Week 16: May 4, 2022

Today might have been a gloomy and wet day but that didn't ruin our spirits and excitment to explore and learn about nature and the world around us. we started with writing in our journals about our objects, we are really bonding with these natural objects, it's been 5 months of building a connection for most of us. During morning meeting we had a few friends share during share and tell, it was always so great when our frineds bring things in to show us and build a connection. Our plan was to play a game in the field, and then begin on a journey to Beaver Pond. Today is a perfect spring day, a little warm and wet, we were excited to see what we would find. Within the first few moments at the pond a tiny snapping turtle was spotted! Ciara was about to catch it and show it around to everyone. We saw how it already has a small carapas to allow more a larger mode of locomotion and limb roation. We also found some newts, played in the mud, and enjoyed the muddy and slimy dirt.

Holding a baby snapping turtle
The baby snapping turtle that we found right away! Photo: Audubon Vermont
students looking in the looky no touch basin
Seeing what we have caught so far in the looky no touchy basin. Photo: Audubon Vermont
students exploring Beaver Pond
We take our time and make observations about our area before we catch our critters Photo: Audubon Vermont
two students standing in the mud
Standing in the mud is a great time to pick a name for the newts we just caught! Photo: Audubon Vermont

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