Wood Thrush
Wood Thrush

Wood Thrush Photo: Nate Rathbun / USFWS
Wood Thrush Photo: Nate Rathbun / USFWS


Take the Governor's Budget Survey

The birds are counting on you!

One of the single-most important tasks for our Governor and General Assembly is the passage of a state budget to fund state services.

As you may already know, the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources is significantly under-funded and so is challenged to protect Vermont’s birds and the places they need to thrive. The failure of the state to adequately fund the Agency of Natural Resources not only puts our bird and ecosystems at risk, but is a barrier to full protection of the clean water, air and soil that we all need to thrive.

Please take the time participate in the public process to give the Governor your opinion on the most important funding priorities in the state budget. Birds cannot take this survey, so are counting on you to do that for them! You can access the survey and public comment form by clicking here.

How you can help, right now