Good thing we brought out water boots this week because it was a wet one! We found ourselves at the water’s edge as we visited all the wonderful watery worlds of Audubon. We took a close-up look at the plants and animals that live in the water and play in the mud.
We spent a day at the brook learning about macro invertebrates and explore this magical ecosystem. We collected the little critters and learn about what they do and who they are. We also made sure to splish and splash in the brook.

Another day we journeyed down to beaver pond to learn about frogs and beaver dams and made beaver puppets too. We saw some pickerel frogs, green frogs, and bullfrogs too! We also turned into frogs with our frog masks.

One day we hiked up and spent some time at mossy rocks learning about the rock cycle and making pet rocks. We got to pick our own rocks and paint them however we wanted to. We enjoyed a fun puppet show too.

On our final day we had time at the brook again. We explored the space, finding rocks and critters. We enjoyed a cool off in the water too. In the afternoon we had some sprinkler time and had our closing circle art show!