Forest Classroom

Snowy Fort and a Snowy Pond

January 31 2023

In the morning to keep our bodies moving we worked together to collect sticks that we can use in the future to build fires. They needed to be no thicker than our thumbs and could be as skinny as a mouse tail. 

To stay moving we went down to the field and worked together to shovel together a big pile of snow. This snow pile will then be transformed into a snow shelter, or quinzhee. We waited until the end of the day to dig it out to let the snow settle and condense together. 

students shoveling snow into a pile
Starting to build our snow shelter, a quinzhee Photo: Audubon Vermont
Students building snow pile
The snow pile is getting bigger! Photo: Audubon Vermont

Today was cold and all about moving, so we hiked up to the office, filled bird feeders, and then enjoyed some sledding time in the garden. Before we knew it we needed to hike back for lunch. After we fueled up we went to Beaver Pond and found some tracks and followed them. We followed them up through the woods and learned they might be some sort of weasel.  

Tracking in the snow
Tracking in the snow! Photo: Audubon Vermont
student next to snow art
Snow drawing! Photo: Audubon Vermont
Student climbing
Climbing up the side of Beaver Pond Photo: Audubon Vermont

At the end of the day we dug out the quinzhee and we were all able to fit inside.  

Students digging our the hole
Time to dig it out Photo: Audubon Vermont
Student inside quinzhee
We fit! Photo: Audubon Vermont

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