Forest Classroom

Sap and Slide

March 21, 2023

Such a perfect day to be outside during sugaring season! 

In the morning we started our maple day with a challenge. We hid pictures of things that are either used by a tree to make sap, or something used by humans to make maple syrup and then the students had to sort them and put the in the correct bucket. Some items were leaves, a tree used them to make sugar which is used to male sap, another was a fire, we as humans us fire to boil the sap to make the syrup. 

After we sorted them all correctly and learned what the pictures all were, we planned our day at morning meeting and have snack. 

Morning meeting
Snack and Story time Photo: Audubon Vermont

We spent the morning after snack at Beaver Pond climbing and sliding on the hill. We helped each other get up the hill and made a safe path down to the frozen pond. We also explored the area and the plants that we saw. 

Students hiking around Beaver Pond
Figuring out how to hike around Beaver Pond Photo: Audubon Vermont
Climbing up Beaver Pond hill
Photo: Audubon Vermont

After all the climbing and sliding we fueled up with some lunch. We were going to need all the energy we have for our afternoon plan. We spent our afternoon with our sugaring crew helping them collect sap from overflowing buckets in our woods! We gathered so many gallons of sap with them. 

Before we knew it, we were enjoying our afternoon snack, had some free play in the snow and then left! 

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