Forest Classroom

Safe Fire Fun

February 14 2023

We started our day by creating valentines for nature. This could be something we were grateful for and wanted to show our appreciation or something we just plain old loved in nature. We wanted to make these valentines out of natural materials too. We made some great ones. 

snow valentine
Photo: Audubon Vermont
Nature journaling
Photo: Audubon Vermont
nature valentine
Photo: Audubon Vermont

In the morning we wanted to try making fires with something other than matches. We went to Beaver Pond, where there was ample sunlight, and every group was given a magnifying glass. It took us a while to get used to getting the light right, but each group was able to light something in their fire tin on fire! This took a lot of time, perseverance, and patience. We did this for over 1.5 hours!  

using magnifying glass to start fire
Photo: Audubon Vermont
students using magnifying glass to start fire!
We got smoke! Photo: Audubon Vermont

In the afternoon we ate lunch in the snowy field and then went on a tracking hike. We learned about the different patterns animals move in, walkers, waddlers, hoppers, and bounders. We found some tracks in the snow and worked together to figure out what animal we had found.

Tracking with students
Photo: Audubon Vermont

 It was a snowy and sunny day! 

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