Forest Classroom

Our Aquatic Adventures!

Week 2, September 8, 2021

Another beautiful day! The sun was shining and the warmth was starting to move in.

As we arrived Rae led us in an activity called Metamorphosis Mate Match. This activity has the student’s match the young juvenile’s insect with the adult that it turns into. The adult cards were laid out along the ground and students where given the young pictures and they had to match them. On one side of the card was a description to help and the other a photo. We all worked together to matched them up correctly!

Rae explaining rules to students
Learning about matching the young macroinvertebrates to the adults. Photo: Audubon Vermont

We enjoyed a game in the field, Everybody’s it Tag, a classic from summer camp. We then ran up to the clubhouse, planned our day at Morning Meeting and enjoyed a snack. After snack one friend brought something to share! They brought in a Mink fur pelt and everyone got to see it. This then started Share and Tell, when your students can bring in something and share it with the group after snack time!

student sharing mink pelt
Share and tell: mink Pelt Photo: Audubon Vermont

Our first stop today was Beaver Pond, we wanted to explore the around before it got to hot. We had a mud puddle, caught a couple frogs and leeches too. Some of us even made mug balls and had fun throwing them back into the water.

Photo: Audubon Vermont
Photo: Audubon Vermont
Rae helping point out all of the turtles in Beaver Pond Photo: Audubon Vermont

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Our second stop was the Huntington River! This was probably going to be our last time visiting when it is still warm out. At the river, some of us made rock paint, collected critters, and others worked on some amazing boats too.

Enjoying the sunshine at the Huntington River Photo: Audubon Vermont
Photo: Audubon Vermont
Found a water penny of a rock! Photo: Audubon Vermont
water penny close up Photo: Audubon Vermont

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Before lunch we enjoyed a game of Poison Dart Frog. Then we are starving so we enjoyed lunch, shared during Thank you Circle and then got picked up!

What an incredible second week.

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