This week was interesting, we sadly missed two days of camp due to flooding and unsafe conditions, but the days we had camp were stellar! We had a week of in-depth ecological studies of habitats. We experimented, explored, and became a wild scientists while turning nature into our study space. We explored many different ways to look at and learn about nature this week.
On Monday while it was super muddy and not very rainy we made mud creature homes! First we thought about what our mud creature would be, that way we knew how big to make the home. We made homes with mud, leaves, sticks, holes in the ground, etc. Later we discussed what traits some of our mud creature would have, like claws, tails, sharp teeth, slimy skin, long tongues, etc. We then used this ideas to draw out and make our mud creatures come to life. We also made mud creature necklaces too.

Thursday we played a camp favorite game, Life and Death in the Forest! We also went explore our woods and learned about some of the plants around us.
Friday we visited the Sherman Hollow Brook and tried to identify as many critters as possible. We also spent some time building a dam across the brook and watched how it change the water. We had to take down the dam to allow the water to flow and animals to travel. We ended our week with some worms in dirt dessert, we learned to weld from a CIT, and closing circle!