Forest Classroom

Dam it!

Sept 27 2022

Finally a day that wasn’t super rainy but still a little wet. This weather is great for us to find mushrooms and amphibians!

In the morning we found so really cool pink fungus that spread when we poked at it, kind of like paint. We noticed it didn’t have spores or gills visible, but we weren’t able to identify it.

Our morning was spent at Beaver Pond, we worked together to catch critters, play in the mud, and enjoy time outside together in nature. We caught so many eastern newts, crayfish, and leeches. We also SAW and Identified raccoon tracks. We knew they were raccoon because their handprint looks like a small human hand!

Track in the mud
Tracking in the mud! Photo: Audubon Vermont
Eastern Newt in the pond mud
Eastern newt found at the pond Photo: Audubon Vermont
Students investigating the pond
Photo: Audubon Vermont

In the afternoon we went back to the brook and some of us built critter homes, or search for critters, while many of us got back to work on building another dam. There were more leaves on the ground that the students used to fill in the gaps. The team work, problem solving, and communicating that went on during this activity was AWESOME. At the end, one student who was watching the work decided to put a stick at the water level on the beach bank area. When the student then took apart the dam we got to see how far up the water grew from our dam. We also noticed that we could see this through there being no leaves on the ground too! What a cool unexpected experiment.

students carrying a fallen down tree in brook
Building our dam Photo: Audubon Vermont
Students building dam in brook
Photo: Audubon Vermont
Building a dam at the brook
Packing in leaves to enhance the dam Photo: Audubon Vermont

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