Forest Classroom

The Cold Never Bother Us Anyway

Week 4: January 26, 2022

Talk about cold!

We had a small group with us today, but that doesn’t mean we didn’t have a huge amount of fun.

We weren’t at the clubhouse today, we needed to security of the warm barn. We started out outside and stayed out there for a while, we all came very prepared. Ciara wanted to make a massive fort, so we helped her pile on the snow for a while.

Photo: Audubon Vermont
Photo: Audubon Vermont

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Student bird watching
Photo: Audubon Vermont

After snack we journeyed around Audubon on a hike! We took the Hires trail through the forest and did some tracking too. When we got up to Look Out Rock, we did a minute soundscape. We were silent and still and focused on minds on the world and noises around us. We heard birds, leaves rustling, and cars driving by on the road below us. We spend a few extra minutes looking out at Mt. Mansfield, it was so clear to see.

Photo: Audubon Vermont
Photo: Audubon Vermont

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We continued on our hike back to the barn and saw a lot of animal signs and tracks. We found signs of a woodpecker, a mouse trail, the trail of a deer, and a weasel bounding and even sliding on its belly. It was a wonderful hike!

Students looking at a woodpecker hole
Photo: Audubon Vermont

We warmed up and fueled up with lunch and finished out day sledding and building outside!

Hopefully next week is a little warmer.

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