It's official! We counted 85 species of birds on an 85 degree day.
We found 13 species of warblers, 4 woodpeckers, 4 flycatchers, 5 thrushes, and 8 sparrows (including a Lincoln's Sparrow migrating to its boreal nesting grounds). We also spotted on Osprey over the Huntington River and a Ruby-crowned Kinglet at the start of the day.
Explore the official 2017 Birdathon Species List and learn more about the birds we found with Audubon's Bird Guide.
THANK YOU to everyone for your Birdathon donations and sponsorships! Your support fuels our education and conservation work. We couldn't do it without you!
We're close to meeting our Birdathon fundraising goal, but it's not too late to donate to Birdathon. Please consider making a donation today. 100% of your tax-deductible contribution will support programs here in Vermont.
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