
New Species in the Nets

The Green Mountain Audubon Center bird banding station has caught a number of new species this year. 

A Black-throated Green Warbler Photo: Mark LaBarr

Black-throated Blue and Green warblers, Mourning Warbler, Wood Thrush are often heard in other parts of the Audubon Center but rarely find their way into our mist nests. A Canada Warbler, not caught at the banding station in more than 20 years, was also caught in 2018. The nets have also been full of our regulars like Veery, Song Sparrow, Chestnust-sided Warbler and Cedar Waxwing.

The bird banding station is part of the continent-wide Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivoirship (MAPS) Program. Now in its 22nd year the banding station is run by staff biologist Mark LaBarr, a federally licensed bird bander. The station will be run for the last time this summer on August 7th. For more information go to 

Learn more about our Bird Banding program.

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