Summer Day Camps

Highlights from Things with Wings, It's Not Easy Being Green, and Pixies, Pollywogs and Potions

August 1, 2016

Flying like birds, bats, butterflies, and imaginary creatures

Taking berries of the shrub any Vermonter may recognize and making sumac lemonade!

(This was after we already perfected making recipes from the fields and forests...)

Ecology Day Camp began their day with a potion that would zap an illness away

Moving from novices to experts in less than one day; identifying edible wild plants

Nature yoga!

artifacts  that preschool nature camp collected on an impromptu nature hunt on our hike to look out rock

Sharing snacks and stories after taking a view of camel's hump and mount mansfield

Our next destination: Mossy Rock

Moss makes excellent carpets in fairy homes we made!

Collecting fort materials

Some chose to pretend to be bats and owls, and perched as they would in the forest

Great minds think alike; Ecology Day Camp scavenge in the forest too

Beaver Pond offered a change of scenery. To adapt we made mini boats so small creatures could keep afloat

Highlights from Staff

"There are 5 things I want to be, Architect, wildlife scientist, novelist, environmental lawyer, and if those all fail then state senator, because this county needs some good guidance and leadership" a direct quote for an ecology camp camper. I found it so reassuring knowing that there are kids in this world who have a wide variety of dreams for their future, while staying grounded.


Camper 1: "Where are we going to build fairy houses?"

Me: "To the fairy kingdom, do you remember where that is?"

Camper 1: "No, where?"

Camper2: "The Swamp of the Hemlock."

Me: "You are fairy right"

Camper 2: "Ha Ha Ha... I am very good at fake laughing."


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