Preschool Programs

Hey, Sweetie!

Week 16 May 15th and 17th

Spring is in full swing this week, with warm, wet days and lots of greenery. We are loving hearing all of the birds that have migrated back as well! In celebration of the birds, we had our students find 30 chickadees in the morning. These chickadees blend it super well with all of the leafy vegetation, but our students proved to be master birders and found them all! The books we read this week were: When the Wild Ducks Come by Margaret Chittenden, From Caterpillar to Butterfly by Deborah Heiligman, and Poison Dart Frog by Jennifer Owings Dewey. 

On Wednesday, our morning meeting leader chose to start our day with some coloring! We did some free coloring in the front yard. I love to see how creative our students are and all of the sweet drawings they create! After coloring, we took our lunches and headed up to Forest Camp. We played in the mud kitchen, collected water from the little spring line on property, searched for slugs, and overall had a great time! We built a fire and enjoyed lunch around it! We did a bit more free play at forest camp after lunch before having thank you circle.  


On Friday, our morning meeting leader filled our day with lots of playtime! We enjoyed snack in the front yard before heading over to forest camp. At Forest Camp, we made some delicious treats in the mud kitchen, climbed our favorite tree, did some yard work with our stick leaf blowers, and even found a baby red-backed salamander! Once our time at Forest Camp was up, we put all of our mud kitchen materials away and headed to the backyard for a few rounds of sharks and minnows. We enjoyed lunch on the shady picnic tables in the front yard before finishing our day with some coloring! 

Wednesday 5/15

Counting up our chickadees
Enjoying some morning coloring
Checking out the bark on this tree
Making some treats!
Gathering water from the old water line
Checking out the slugs on the stump
Tree hugs!
Enjoying lunch at Forest Camp

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Friday 5/17

Counting up the chickadee's we found!
Planning the day at morning meeting
Sharing our mud kitchen treats
We love to ride our "motorcycles"
Making some treats!
We found a baby red-backed salamander!
Playing sharks and minnows!
Coloring at the shady picnic tables!

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